Science with and for you
Thank you for your interest in the EuroTech Universities Alliance and our six universities! Even if you don’t know us (yet), it is not unlikely that you have been in touch with the results of our work without knowing it. As universities of science and technology, we work on solutions for your everyday life’s challenges, for health problems you or your loved ones may encounter and also on solutions for global challenges like climate change and the manifold problems it entails. We develop the tools you use at home or at work and are part of IT programmes and devices that make your life easier. For that, we work closely with companies, governments, and civil society organisations alike, to make sure that our solutions fit to real-world problems.
But we are also very strong on basic research that lays the foundation of future products nobody is thinking of just yet.
And, of course, we don’t keep all this knowledge to ourselves, quite the opposite: We train hundreds of thousands of young, enthusiastic people who are ready to work in the companies, hospitals, governments, NGOs of tomorrow – or will even be founding them.
You might want to check out…
A very concrete example: Find out more about “tissue engineering”, which presents a way to cure medical conditions AND rethink today’s food system.
Recording of our event “Technology for society – are we getting it right?”, which took place on 10 November 2021.

SCALINGS, a EuroTech project that worked closely with and for citizens, focusing on co-creation.
Learning is not just for students
You are a pupil, a professional, a retiree, a homemaker, … and interested in extending your knowledge? Then you should have a look at the courses and programmes the EuroTech Universities offer for everyone! We strongly support so-called “lifelong learning”. Whether you would like to deepen your knowledge in your field of expertise or discover new ones, whether you want to do it to improve professionally or just for the pure pleasure of it, you are very welcome to participate.
You might want to check out…
- The EuroTeQ Engineering University, an initiative that offers learning opportunities for vocational trainees and professionals, amongst others
- For everyone: Free massive open online courses (“MOOCs”) of the EuroTech Universities:
- For professionals: Study programmes and further lifelong learning offers of the EuroTech Universities:
Questions? Your best points of contact are:
- The EuroTeQ Engineering University coordinators
- The contact persons at the lifelong learning facilities of each university (see links above)