HomeR&I Focus AreasHealth & Bioengineering

Health & Bioengineering

Within the Focus Area Health & Bioengineering we bring together researchers from different disciplines specializing in medicine, the natural sciences, and engineering. The academics commit themselves to jointly investigating the challenges of modern healthcare and how technology can be an enabler for solving them in a responsible way. 

Taking a multi-scale approach, the partners explore new methods for diagnosing and treating diseases and improved technologies in the fields of medicine and patient care. As an alliance of universities of science and technology, the development of applications and medical devices is a particularly strong part of our member universities’ research and innovation activities. They are home to some of the top bioengineering schools in Europe and worldwide.

Our joint projects cover research in areas like innovative medical imaging techniques, applications to support elderly at home as well as providing the right skills to master avant-garde medical technologies.

EuroTech in Action

Shulamit Levenberg, Head of the Stem Cell and Tissue Engineering Laboratory at the Technion, is one of the global leaders in the field of tissue engineering. She grows tissue (muscle, bone, blood vessels, lymph vessels) in the lab to replace damaged or lost tissue. But the same technology can also be used to produce cultured meat, allowing us to use less space, water, and animal feed, and without making animals suffer.

Professor Levenberg is one example of the societal impact the life-changing research and innovation undertaken at the EuroTech Universities has.

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Interested to know more about how EuroTech supports researchers of the six EuroTech Universities? Professors Henning Boje Andersen of DTU and Lu Yuan of TU/e give insight into their work within the Alliance. Both contributed as principal investigators to REACH 2020 (Responsive Engagement of the Elderly promoting Activity and Customized Healthcare), a Horizon 2020-funded project, which was a result of the collaboration within EuroTech and earned high praises from both the European Commission and the partners involved. REACH 2020’s funding period ended in 2020 but the collaboration between many of the partners involved continues.

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Contributing to the UN Sustainable Development Goals

This Focus Area links directly to SDG 3 Good Health and Well-being, but also serves other SDGs like SDG 10 Reduced Inequalities.

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Serge Ankri, Technion

Serge Ankri

Professor, Faculty of Medicine, Technion

Harmen de Jongh

External Collaboration Coordinator, Biomedical Engineering, TU/e
Maria Sigutina, TU/e and EPFL

Maria Sigutina

Liaison Officer, EPFL & TU/e