Horizon Europe is the biggest funding programme the European Union has set up for research and innovation. It has a total budget of €95.5 billion and runs from 2021 to 2027.
The Horizon Europe programme is structured around three pillars, aiming to achieve scientific, societal, and economic impact. It provides competitive grants to both individual researchers and – to a large majority – collaborative projects involving partners from academia, industry, public administration, civil society, to name just a few. They are invited to participate in the Horizon Europe calls for proposals published on the EU’s Funding and Tenders Portal.
The programme is open to applicants from the 27 EU Member States as well as from non-EU countries associated to the programme.
For further information on Horizon Europe, visit the website of the European Commission.
EuroTech Universities in Horizon Europe
As an alliance, we foster collaboration between our universities and support applicants in manifold ways to lower the burden of applying and increase the chance of success. Support ranges from providing detailed (background) information to financial incentives to network and community building to advocacy.
International collaboration is at the heart of EuroTech. Our support is therefore directed mainly to collaborative projects that involve a range of international partners. While the different schemes are per se restricted to applicants affiliated with a EuroTech University, they often benefit also the consortium as a whole. Teaming up with our excellent EuroTech researchers therefore pays off! So make sure to check out the expertise available at our six universities and use it to set up a strong consortium.
We cover all three pillars of Horizon Europe. To learn more about which support EuroTech researchers can get, click here.
Success stories
Researchers and innovators working at the six EuroTech Universities very successfully participate in Horizon Europe and further international funding programmes. A range of “EuroTech projects” – EU projects that involve at least three EuroTech Universities – can be found here.