HomeNews & EventsEAISI Eindhoven AI Systems Institute: Call for Visiting Professors

EAISI Eindhoven AI Systems Institute: Call for Visiting Professors

11 June 2024 | With a call for visiting professors, the Eindhoven AI Systems Institute (EAISI) aims to bring together TU/e researchers with top researchers (Assistant, Associate, Full Professors or researchers at non-university organisations) of renowned foreign universities or institutes in order to strengthen the AI research field and community at TU/e. The aims of the call are

  • To create collaborations with talented researchers.
  • To inspire talent and introduce them to TU/e and its ecosystem.
  • To stimulate and strengthen international collaboration.
  • To increase the international visibility of TU/e and EAISI on AI related topics.

The visits should focus on AI research from a multi-disciplinary perspective and need to take place in the course of 2024. The deadline for submissions is Friday, 5 July 2024. For more information, check the attached documents and/or contact [email protected].