Due to recent events, this autumn school has been postponed.
Please check back later for updates on dates and location.
Within the EuroTech Focus Area “Health & Bioengineering”, the Technion is organising an autumn school for PhD students and postdocs as well as tutors from the EuroTech Universities. The scientific meeting is designed to provide training on fundamental aspects of Biomedical Science and Engineering with a focus on the molecular level and cutting-edge themes, and to provide a conducive environment for broadening your knowledge and networking.
Selected topics:
- Synthetic Biology
- AI-driven biomedical applications at the molecular level
- Single molecule biophysics methods
- Nano-carriers for targeted drug-delivery
- Nano-pores for DNA and proteins analysis
- Biopolymers meet DNA nanotechnology
Tutors from all EuroTech Universities will give lectures and workshops. The programme will also include a visit to the Technion labs and Israeli high-tech industry and offer social activities and brainstorming sessions.
The autumn school is limited to 30 students. Participants can get an academic certificate for 2 ECTS (pending on each university).
Practical information
Date and time: tbc
Location: tbc
Costs: The registration fee is €200 and includes accommodation, meals and more. The cost of travel to Israel will be covered from the EuroTech travel budget of your home university.
Registration: Please send an e-mail to Maria Sigutina.
🔒 The autumn school is open to PhD students and postdocs of the EuroTech Universities only (DTU, EPFL, L’X – IP Paris, Technion, TU/e, TUM).
Further information
For scientific questions, please contact Prof. Yuval Garini. For all other matters, please contact Maria Sigutina.