The second Work Programme of Horizon Europe – the WP 2023/2024 – will be published soon. To prepare the EuroTech research community timely for these new funding opportunities, the EuroTech Universities Brussels Office is organising a webinar specifically targeting researchers in Additive Manufacturing. During the 90-minute webinar the call topics within the 2023 WP of Cluster 4 (2nd Pillar of Horizon Europe) will be presented and common interest will be explored.
More information will follow in due time.

Practical information
Date and time: Tuesday, 21 June 2022, 10:00-11:30 CET
Location: Online
Registration: Is required; please write an e-mail to [email protected] to get a link to the registration form.
🔒 This webinar addresses exclusively researchers and staff at EuroTech Universities (DTU, EPFL, L’X – IP Paris, Technion, TU/e, TUM).
Further information
For further information, please contact Maria-Valerie Schegk (contact details below).