22 November 2022 | Champagne corks are popping at the EuroTech Universities after the latest results of the European Research Council (ERC) have been published: 23 of the in total 408 ERC Starting Grants go to researchers affiliated with a EuroTech University. The grants are designed to help excellent younger scientists, who have 2 to 7 years’ experience after their PhDs, to launch their own projects, form their teams and pursue their most promising ideas. ERC grants not only come with up to €1.5 million over five years but also with high prestige.
Notable: The funding round was particularly successful for Technical University of Munich, which sees 12 grants go to its researchers. It is also worth pointing out that all four grants for Technion are awarded to female researchers.
Due to the non-association of Switzerland to Horizon Europe, EPFL-affiliated researchers were not eligible for funding.

We wholeheartedly congratulate all laureates, especially:
- Ofra Amir, Technion (CONVEY: Conveying Agent Behavior to People: A User-Centered Approach to Explainable AI; PE6)
- Pramod Bhatotia, TUM (DOS: A Decentralized Operating System; PE6)
- Fabian Cadiz, École Polytechnique (OneSPIN: Atomic scale coherent manipulation of the electron spin in semiconductors; PE3)
- Johanna Eichhorn, TUM (DynNano: Understanding Dynamic Processes at Nanoscale Working Interfaces for Solar Energy Conversion; PE4)
- Naama Geva-Zatorsky, Technion (ExtractABact: Deciphering host-gut microbiota spatio-functional plasticity in inflammation; LS6)
- Francesca Grisoni, TU/e (ReMINDER: Revolutionizing AI in drug discovery via innovative molecular representation paradigms; PE5)
- Terrance John Hadlington, TUM (SINGAMBI: The Single-Centre Ambiphile ligand Concept: Cooperative Systems for Waste-free Catalysis; PE5)
- Angelika Harbauer, TUM (MitoPIP: Phosphoinositide-lipid signaling in neuronal mitochondrial biogenesis; LS5)
- Simon Heidegger, TUM (IMMUNO-TEX: Overcoming resistance to immunotherapy: Immunostimulatory tumor-derived extracellular vesicles as multifunctional anticancer agents; LS7)
- Thorsten Kessler, TUM (MATRICARD: The extracellular matrix as a mediator of cell-cell communication in cardiovascular inflammation; LS7)
- Adrien Leblanc, École Polytechnique (EXAFIELD: Experimental signatures of quantum electrodynamics in the strong field regime; PE2)
- Battulga Munkhbat, DTU (TuneTMD: Tunable Nanoengineered Transition Metal Dichalcogenides for Quantum Nanophotonics; PE7)
- Henrike Niederholtmeyer, TUM (SYNSEMBL: Cell-free synthesis and assembly of biomolecular condensates: Engineering
properties, functions and regulation; LS9) - Andreas Putz, TUM (CONSTEMO: Recurring Elements of Modern Facades (1960–1990). Foundations for the Conservation of High-Tech Modernism; SH5)
- Noga Ron-Harel, Technion (IMMAGE: In vivo metabolic determinants of T cell aging trajectories; LS4)
- Maarten Schoukens, TU/e (COMPLETE: Model Completion through Nonlinear System Identification; PE7)
- Sebastian Seibold, TUM (BIOCOMP: Consequences of global biodiversity loss and climate change for decomposer communities and implications for forest carbon fluxes; LS8)
- Inbal Talgam-Cohen, Technion (ALGOCONTRACT: Algorithmic Contract Design; PE6)
- Felix Tropf, École Polytechnique (FINDME: Finding the ‘missing environmentality’; SH3)
- Ruud Van Sloun, TU/e (US-ACT: Next-gen ultrasound imaging by closing the perception-action loop; PE7)
- Mathias Wilhelm, TUM (ORIGIN: Learning Isoform Fingerprints to Discover the Molecular Diversity of Life; LS2)
- David Wuepper, TUM (LAND-POLICY: A Global Evaluation of Public Policies to Mitigate and Reverse Land Degradation; SH7)
- Julija Zavadlav, TUM (SupraModel: Peptide-based Supramolecular Co-assembly Design: Multiscale Machine Learning Modeling Approach; PE11)